Tuesday, June 3, 2014

What is, how Christmas ruined our American dream & it was 3/4 my fault

We didn't get the loan.....after 30 days of hard work, by many people, we didn't pass and it was mostly (all) my fault, but I am blaming Christmas- which is just no fun after you grow up. Stupid Christmas! Stupid Commercial Holiday!!

For the last 13 years I have lived outside the family nest, never once have I ever missed a rent payment. Never. We own both our cars. We are working to steadily pay off our student loans and credit card debt, which is really saying something for the amount of income we (don't) have.
    *Shameless plug for Obamacare- we now pay about $100 a month to insure our family of 5. It's a high deductible plan, but we (4 of us) are in fairly good health, and thankfully we don't need to use it often, and it will be there if we do crash and burn, pun intended. Saving us $200 some dollars a month. It might not sound like much, but to us, it's golden.*

I thought we were finally getting ahead.............

I knew it was Christmas. It wasn't a surprise, it happens at the same time every year. The last few years, I have tried to go about it very systematically. I pore over the toys adds, find the best price and together, Husband and I try very hard to make a list. I try so hard. But, I just couldn't squash the joy in Husbands heart, and we went over budget, significantly- even though we probably spend way less than the average family/per child. It's rare that Husband actually gets to spend any of the money that he works hard to provide. After bills, groceries, gas in the cars...poof, it's long gone. I just couldn't tell him no.

 So I traded our Barbie Dream Home for some holiday happiness when we just didn't have the money to pay the electric bill and it was delinquent, and it was pretty much my fault.
Hindsight is 20/20, no?
There is no one else to blame. Husband has no idea what our budget and bills are, and I don't think he wants to know. He says he trusts me to handle it. Fumble on 1 yard line.

This year for Christmas, ironically when we can re-apply, all I want is a loan. I think someone needs to write a catchy tune  about it, that one about teeth seems to have caught on! 

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