Tuesday, September 2, 2014

A tree Grows in Brooklyn, an excerpt

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, by Betty Smith, features an early 20th century Irish immigrant family, living in Brooklyn. 
Our snippet today, comes after the Father has passed away and the teenage children of the family, a boy & a girl, are having to get work for the summer to help support the family, to include a new baby.
The older sister, Francie, much like her mother, is a do-er, & a dreamer.
The younger brother, Neeley, is only concerned with his immediate place in the world.
It is also a well known fact that their mother, Katie, plays favorite to Neeley.

Francie spoke to Mama about school and Mama said, yes, they'd have to talk about it. They'd talk about it right after supper that night.
     After finishing their supper coffee, Katie announced needlessly that school was opening next week. "I want both of you to go to High School but it's working out that only one of you can start this fall. I'm saving every cent I can out of your pay so that next year, both of you will be back in school."...
       francie's lips were stiff as she spoke. So much depended on Mama, and Francie wanted her words to make a good impression. "Yes, Mama. I want to go back to school more'n I'll ever want anything in my life."...

    "Neeley doesn't want to go back to school," said Katie. She spoke to Francie almost pleadingly. "You know what the means, Francie."....."It means," said Mama, "that Neeley has to go back to school."

Discussion......Discussion.....I won't, etc........

"Because if I don't make him, he'll never go back," said Mama, "Where you, Francie, will fight and manage to get back somehow.

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