Monday, September 28, 2015

Someones in the Sukkah with Dinah

There is something magical about reaching this season- 
no, it's not football, or fall, or pumpkin spice, though, all those things are great;
If you prefer to kick it old school,
This season, is Sukkot, 
meaning, you have survived the High Holy Days!!!!!

Say what?
Rosh Hashanah, the new year, a time to celebrate the worlds creation!
Yom Kippur, when your soul is sad & afflicted,  you must repent (with a 25 hr fast).
All together, it's like Christmas & Easter in 10 days, 
with the fun addition of many, many hours of prayer services.

So, making it to Holiday #3, in less than 30 days, 
is really saying something.......

backing up----->

This little nugget was called up to read the Prayers for our Nation,
which we can all agree we need,
a great honor.
This little nugget is also refusing to get his hair cut, 
& the resulting mass of curls peaking out under his kippah
reminds me of 'Bar Mitzvah Boy', on SNL.

this year 

last year 
A little comparison 

& now we return you to regularly scheduled programming....

The festival of harvests,
Because who doesn't want to build a tent & celebrate barley harvests of years gone past?

The main player in this, is the Sukkah-

a 3 sided structure, so you can see your weary guests, ala Abraham,
and an open roof, so you may count the stars as your descendants.

Or, if you make the most of what you've got..... this---->

A 2 sided structure with a hot pink roof.
Husband & I are out of the descendants business ;)

Thanks Mimi & GPH for the great tent.

Sukkot celebrates the fruits of Israel...... so naturally we decorate with fake sunflowers & pumpkins!

......& conch shells?


& then, keeping with the Mitzvot, 
eat tacos.

Having it together enough, to get this together,
 is miracle enough.
Getting this bunch to actually eat barley is just asking way too much.

Mazel Tov

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