Thursday, January 24, 2019

HI-HO SILVER: My thoughts on marriage

You might have guessed from the title, but just in case,
 be prepared for horse analogies.
 Just saying.

I had a video pop up in my Facebook memories today, 
& it got me thinking how marriage is like a team of horses, 
aside from the obvious that they & you are linked together.

But if you think of pulling a load, up a moderate incline, 
not even barefoot in the snow both ways, 

if you both aren't working together, it just ain't gonna work. 
I don't care who you are.

This does happen to be an example of in the snow, but that's just a challenge in life.

When you watch the video,
 it takes the pair a few tries to get started together,
 but they do 
& they are successful!

With the help of their farmer,
 talking to 'em,
 telling to come back or move on,
 they make it to the top.

This is my garage door. 
& if you haven't noticed, 
there is some kind of weird crack between the frame & whatever the other part is called.
We, Mr D & I, 
noticed that some weeks back after arriving home.

& our conversation went something like this----->
me: There appears to be a crack

him: Yes, I noticed that last week

me: well, maybe we should do something about it?

him: some spray foam would fix it

me: That's easy. I can get some the next time I'm out.

(& I do)
& that picture was taken tonight.

It's actually become a friendly joke.
Because that crack is pretty much our entire relationship.

Could I find a step stool & spray the darn foam?
 I've become pretty handy at fixing stuff since getting married.

This next video, sums up what happens when 
you don't pull together 
& the train wreck that ensues.

Surrounded by people who care about them, 
everybody comes out ok, though. 


this video will make you want to cover your eyes & hide.

I promise, promise 
everybody gets up & walks away just fine.

It's tense.

It's scary.

Imagine what it must have been like to go through.

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