Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays, ever. You can get away with being who or whatever you want to be for an entire day, and chances are good no one is going to judge you for that. It was always a relief, for me, someone who has spent a good deal of time dancing to my own music. That hallowed one day.
Not to mention the free candy. Who doesn't enjoy free candy? We never had many sweets in the house growing up, and candy was strictly rationed to 1 piece, to only be consumed after a nutritiously balanced supper. Then teeth thoroughly scrubbed.
Halloween should be filled with happy memories, assuming of course Halloween is celebrated in your house. If you don't celebrate, then it should just be happy family memories of the day, not specifically Halloween memories. But, that is not the point of this.
A North Dakota woman has publicly announced that she will be handing out 'fat letters' to the children she decides are overweight, in lieu of candy.
'Fat letters', seem to be a new trend, where-in a letter is handed to the child to return to the parents, stating the child is over weight based on a growth chart(or a crazy lady's opinion). Don't even get me started on Dr.'s and their growth charts- they are absolute malarkey! But that is another day.
Let's back up for a bit.....chances are good if the child if fat, that parents probably are aware of it. Chances are even better the parents are fat, too. Sometimes not, in a fluke of genetics, etc. but, that is another day, too.
The point being, what kind of crazy lady is this? What on earth has possessed her to do this? If she doesn't want to hand out candy to fat kids, why is she handing out candy to other kids? Clearly she missed the class on compassion and the sharing food fairly rule - if you don't have enough to share with everyone, then don't share with anyone!
Fine, be disappointed! But, consider another way to help your community besides shaming, embarrassing and ruining this for the kids- you know those people that this holiday is for.
Do I think communities need to do a better job of making nutritious, locally produced, whole(some) foods available & affordably so- yep
Do I think communities need to do a better job of making sure they are safe places so kids can run around outside until the streetlights come on-yep
Do I think parents, no matter how perpetually exhausted, need to encourage their kids to be active, to the best of everyone's abilities- yep
Do I think this letter or any of the others are going to solve any problems, or shed light on our nations obesity problems- not at all
Shaming fat kids even more will accomplish absolutely nothing, besides making some already sad & embarrassed kids sadder & more embarrassed.
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