Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sewing Shenanigans: Of Sewing machines & shotguns

Like most of my good ideas(at the time), this one can be blamed on boys. If ever there was a boy crazy girl, it was me.

    For my 21st birthday, I wanted a gun. Yep, a real live, shooting, bang-bang gun. If there was a boy that caught my eye, chances are good he had guns, lots of guns. My dearly departed Gege, rest her soul, taught us girls early on, that to catch a boy it was imperative to share an interest. Preferably one that he can share his knowledge about to aid you (a helpless female). So, I needed a gun. PRONTO!
I had said boy escort me on a very romantic outing to the local Wal*Mart gun counter, where we discussed in length the pro's and con's of all the choices, in very close proximity to each other, of course. Nothing was actually purchased that day, my birthday was coming up, providing the opportunity for all my admirer's the chance to shower me with firearms. And I was not let down! Oh, the stories that will follow that little squirrel gun for all it's days ;)

Alas, no matter how I begged and pleaded my parents for a gun- it was not meant to be. Growing up there were 3 rules pounded into our heads to be strictly followed once launched out into he world:
1.Don't be a Policeman
2. Don't ride a motorcycle
3.Don't watch the Simpsons

One can only assume that gun slinging must be loosely related to rule #1 in some way.

 I ended up with a Sears Sewing machine, complete with button hole attachment.

My sewing shenanigans up to this point included home-ec adventures; decoupaging a wicker basket in the 6th grade and sewing a tote in 7th grade.
When I was 5, Mom decided she was going to get a sewing machine and sew all our clothes. Dad ended up sewing some bow ties to wear to work. There was no immediate family history of sewing, or sewing ability.

How Dad decided this was a good idea, was beyond me, but, like most things, The sewing machine has turned out to be a pretty good one.

I have never adjusted the seam length, and never tried more then a straight stitch, owing to the fact that the dog ate the owners manual pretty quickly. But, it is handy to mend things quickly, if not necessarily in a neat manner (crazy driver!), and fun to put together quick, little fun projects.
 It's still a good bet I won't be getting a PBS special anytime soon.

1 comment:

  1. you forgot 4. Dont smoke. But I remember all of those rules as well. Dad still won't let me watch The Simpsons at their house.
