Thursday, November 21, 2013

Healthy Home: beating the winter crud part 1

Well, it seems Winter has hit. Did anyone else miss fall? And, with this new weather pattern, it seems everyone is sick, sick, sick, and antibiotics are flying around like monkey's in OZ.
Not that antibiotics are bad, really, but as a society we seem to pop them like pez candy, and that is what's no good.

Take it from me, the worlds most chronically ill child, who chugged the amoxicillian like it was water, less really is more- sometimes you just have to look for it! My problems turned out to be most likely allergies combined with living in a cold & dry climate, plus a highly processed diet, and repeated doses of antibiotics at high levels, thereby inviting other infections of resistant bacteria & virus' to set up shop.

There are several, so simple things that you can do in your home to boost your immune system---->

* Turn of the humidifier, no seriously. Unless you religiously scrub it and your house on a daily basis, as it emits the vapor it also blows dust and mold spores all over, aggravating allergies and asthma.
   -instead, put out several, pretty bowls filled with water around the house to increase humidity

* Stop with all the perfume & air fresheners. They can be very irritating to dry noses and make it worse, then it won't matter because your nose is so inflamed you can't smell anything anyway!
     -instead, place out half of an onion on a plate or in a jar or mug. The onion will naturally attract all odor causing muck and release a slightly oniony aroma. As an added bonus, it will also suck up any floating germies. Seriously, put one by your bed or the kids bed next time there is illness, and watch how quickly the onion turns funky. Change the onion when it looks nasty and put a in a fresh one, watch how much longer it will last in a healthy house!

* Just stop with the antibacterial everything. All it is, is a low dose antibiotic that you are smearing on the largest organ of your body!
      -instead, rely on the naturally occurring products found in nature with antibacterial properties!
       tee tree oil, coconut oil, raw honey, garlic...... cheap & easy!

*Clean out the fridge and pantry! If you can't pronounce the ingredients, it contains more than 5 or 6 ingredients, or doesn't look like anything found naturally, get rid of it!

and then, read this:    what really causes heart disease

** I am not a doctor and this should not be taken as medical advice. I do encourage you to talk to your chosen medical professional and research what you think is right for yourself. These are just some of the changes we have made in our home to make it healthier***

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Read it: Raising my Rainbow

Raising my Rainbow is an adventure following the family of a uniquely, unique little boy, who happens to like pink, ruffles & glitter. The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat ( and decisions and mean kids), and such that go along with trying to parent a child, who is so more than average. 
Raising my Rainbow has been voted one of the best books of 2013!
To follow-up and follow along on the journey, you can read the families blog---->

On a personal level, it was nice to read a book about a family dealing with an un-average child- and I use average(typical) very loosely, because what is average anyway?
We have a rainbow in our house, more of a camouflaged, mud covered one, really more of a themed rainbow, on a day-by-day basis..... we went through a heavy costume phase, everyday.......sometimes it was the fancy dress pajamas that resemble characters, put on clean, first thing in the morning, certainly not to be confused with the dirty ones from sleeping..... or just flat out costumes, straight from the dress-up box.

I would lie if I said it didn't bother me, because it did, but only when other people would stare or make comments.... especially the day he wore his full, zip-up cow suit to preschool- we never did really fit in..... But, it made him so happy, and it made me so happy to see him so happy.
So happy isn't something we see a whole bunch...... He knew he was happy, but he also started to pick up that he was different, and that doesn't make so happy happen.

 Both the boys have themed dress days now, usually army, or space ranger, sometimes Batman and Robin- which we can do. Since we started to learn at home, we only have one clothing rule- clean undies everyday, everything else is open for interpretation of the weather.

And, the hopeful message of Raising my Rainbow, that there is a pot of gold on the horizon of a more tolerant future.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Let's learn: Teach your child to tie his shoes..... in 60 seconds or less

My 2 boys, each have some degree of a fine motor delay. No matter how much play-dough we squeeze, stickers we stick, beads we string or cards we lace, those fingers just don't cooperate. That, along with the low frustration tolerance has made learning to tie shoes agony for everyone.
Now That H is growing and getting bigger, it is getting harder and harder to find velcro shoes he can do himself- independence is key!

One day in my Pinterest scrolling I found, a shoe tying kit containing little, rubber, bead thingys, with a video on how to use the product. It's really very clever! 

The child starts out making an 'x' like normal and pulling through. Then you make a 'bunny ear' and use a bead thing to hold it, leaving two hands to do the same for other side. Then, taking both ears and repeating 'X' process over again. So quick and easy! 

But, I'm a penny squeezer, which is much more serious than just a pincher! Frugality is so important anymore. I figured that there was a way to make it cheap & easy, just the way we like it around here.

Light bulb!

Husband had to stop at the hardware store on his way home from work anyway, so I asked him to pick up a small bag of flat washers, with holes big enough to pass a doubled shoe lace through, in a good size for fingers to pick up. For the bargain price of $1.88, he purchased a bag if 12, 1/4 inch washers. 

After demonstrating the washer assisted technique, 2 of the 3 could tie their shoes, independently- 1 even graduated to no washers pretty quickly.  
H, still couldn't get his fingers to cooperate. But, gosh, did this make it all the more easier, and he said that he would be okay continuing to practice.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Read it: Tuesdays with Morrie

"So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half asleep, even when they are busy doing the things they think are important. This is because they are chasing the wrong things.They way to get meaning in your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to the community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning."

Tuesdays with Morrie, is a thought provoking final collaboration between a student and his dying professor. It is a look at a lived life, and is everything you wish you knew before you needed to know it.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Feeling good: Like a Warrior

Hey, Friends-
  I wish this was happier than it's going to start out.......Things have been pretty sad here lately :(
I have unfortunately been on the receiving end of some pretty harsh words, by someone that should be one of my biggest fans & cheerleaders. And, of all weeks this person picked THIS week.
My family doesn't really talk about the hard parts, & all our various illnesses- the private stuff. This week has been one of those, 'we have stuff going on, and it's none of your business, but thanks for your happy thoughts' weeks.

I sincerely thank everyone that has hung in there with us and not made it any harder than it had to be. And, I am certainly grateful for a family that can come together to support each other, N-O-M-A-T-T-E-R-W-H-A-T!
      *Family----> those people, who might or might not be related, who love & support you, in the good times and the bad, no matter what.

I found this song this morning, and felt like it just spoke to me about this crappy situation I seem to be dumped in, and wanted to share it-

(an abridged version.......)

Live Like a Warrior, by Matisyahu

~Today you feel, as if everyone hates
Some things you should let go, there only gonna pull you down,  
We want to brave, Don't be afraid
Your heart is too heavy from things you carry a long time, 
You been up you been down, tired and you don't know why, 
But you're never gonna go back, you only live one life 
Let go, let go, let goooooo, Let go, let go, let goooooo, 
Today, today, live like you wanna, 
Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire, 
Live like a Warrior

Or watch it here: