Raising my Rainbow is an adventure following the family of a uniquely, unique little boy, who happens to like pink, ruffles & glitter. The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat ( and decisions and mean kids), and such that go along with trying to parent a child, who is so more than average.
Raising my Rainbow has been voted one of the best books of 2013!
To follow-up and follow along on the journey, you can read the families blog---->
On a personal level, it was nice to read a book about a family dealing with an un-average child- and I use average(typical) very loosely, because what is average anyway?
We have a rainbow in our house, more of a camouflaged, mud covered one, really more of a themed rainbow, on a day-by-day basis..... we went through a heavy costume phase, everyday.......sometimes it was the fancy dress pajamas that resemble characters, put on clean, first thing in the morning, certainly not to be confused with the dirty ones from sleeping..... or just flat out costumes, straight from the dress-up box.
I would lie if I said it didn't bother me, because it did, but only when other people would stare or make comments.... especially the day he wore his full, zip-up cow suit to preschool- we never did really fit in..... But, it made him so happy, and it made me so happy to see him so happy.
So happy isn't something we see a whole bunch...... He knew he was happy, but he also started to pick up that he was different, and that doesn't make so happy happen.
Both the boys have themed dress days now, usually army, or space ranger, sometimes Batman and Robin- which we can do. Since we started to learn at home, we only have one clothing rule- clean undies everyday, everything else is open for interpretation of the weather.
And, the hopeful message of Raising my Rainbow, that there is a pot of gold on the horizon of a more tolerant future.
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