Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Let's learn: Teach your child to tie his shoes..... in 60 seconds or less

My 2 boys, each have some degree of a fine motor delay. No matter how much play-dough we squeeze, stickers we stick, beads we string or cards we lace, those fingers just don't cooperate. That, along with the low frustration tolerance has made learning to tie shoes agony for everyone.
Now That H is growing and getting bigger, it is getting harder and harder to find velcro shoes he can do himself- independence is key!

One day in my Pinterest scrolling I found, a shoe tying kit containing little, rubber, bead thingys, with a video on how to use the product. It's really very clever! 

The child starts out making an 'x' like normal and pulling through. Then you make a 'bunny ear' and use a bead thing to hold it, leaving two hands to do the same for other side. Then, taking both ears and repeating 'X' process over again. So quick and easy! 

But, I'm a penny squeezer, which is much more serious than just a pincher! Frugality is so important anymore. I figured that there was a way to make it cheap & easy, just the way we like it around here.

Light bulb!

Husband had to stop at the hardware store on his way home from work anyway, so I asked him to pick up a small bag of flat washers, with holes big enough to pass a doubled shoe lace through, in a good size for fingers to pick up. For the bargain price of $1.88, he purchased a bag if 12, 1/4 inch washers. 

After demonstrating the washer assisted technique, 2 of the 3 could tie their shoes, independently- 1 even graduated to no washers pretty quickly.  
H, still couldn't get his fingers to cooperate. But, gosh, did this make it all the more easier, and he said that he would be okay continuing to practice.

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