Monday, July 14, 2014

Here comes the Bride (in a very sparkly dress) Part 2, or what is the difference between boys and girls

We didn't find out that HRH the royal Princess was a girl until very near the end of her pregnancy.  Matter of fact, we had, up to that point, been told that she was a boy, oops!
That afternoon, I made the mistake of visiting the baby section at Wal*Mart to peek at baby girl stuff. We didn't have anything pink. We had blue, or brown, or green, or Thomas Tank engine, or cute little puppies- because those were the ONLY choices. Surrounded by all the frills and sparkles, butterflies, dragonflies, flowers, or no flowers, every pastel shade imaginable, all the choices, I did what any very pregnant & now very overwhelmed Mommy would do..... I sat down in the middle of  the baby clothes and just c-r-i-e-d.
     Some poor soul tried to inquire if I was alright or needed assistance (see very pregnant above), did I need an ambulance? Yes, I said, I did need assistance.  My baby was going to be naked for life, because how was I ever to pick something for her to wear? I left with a 3 pack of tiny white socks and a minuscule pink hair bow.

    Luckily for me, the Princess came out with a royal opinion, and just after her first birthday, blessedly, started picking out her own clothes. And, the trend has continued!

The Dress arrived today! After much deliberation, and much disagreement between Mother & Daughter, we were lucky to find this one- and oh, what a dress it is!

Perhaps a nice Frozen Tutu? Sorry, evening wedding, maybe some other time.......
                                       (or, never........)

Or, a winter fairy ballgown? Maybe, a jeweled tiara? No, it's a summer wedding..........

Then we sort of settled for this......for the Princess, though, while lovely, it's rather drab and burlap sack-ish

And, then we found it, and honestly, both got a little teary.
Heaven help us when she gets married! 

A summer wedding suitable, Queen Elsa/frozen , party dress
decidedly un-sackish!

Part 3, coming soon, will be solely dedicated to trying to match a hair bow

Batman & Popeye Avenger will be wearing black dockers shorts & polo shirts.

Read part 1 Here

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