Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sorry, I can't make curry rhyme with a day of the week: Gentle Veg Curry

Confession: I like vegetables. I like them so much, if I didn't have to occasionally cook meat to appease the Husband, I'm pretty sure I would be a vegetarian. without having any nuts due to a child allergy, it's too hard to have to give up eggs also. (& I like cheese, lots!)

Our(my) goal, is at least once a week to have a veg meal (cheap, easy, nutritious). It usually means that we won't be heating up the house by using the oven (a/c is not cheap), and that makes for a happy Mama!

I have no idea why the British have  fascination with curry, but I have a fascination with the British. &While I have it on good authority that crumpets are a figment of our American imagination, I have read Bridget Jones & the knock offs enough to know that curry is a very real UK food group.

Husband hates curry powder. I love-love-love it! I eat it on everything- try it on popcorn sometime, just be mindful that it will turn your fingers and anything else yellow.

Husband also hates veg. The humble sweet potato featured here, is one of my favorites.
&, Turmeric (featured in curry powder) is known for it's anti-inflammatory properties, making it very whole foods, tree-hugging, in the now. 

2 large-ish sweet potatoes, peeled & diced into perfect little cubes
1 onion, diced
1 bell pepper, seeded & diced
3/4 c stock or broth
1 can diced tomatoes
1 can firm white beans (navy, or cannelloni) ( or any firm bean that you like-kidney, black..........)
1 tablespoon cumin
1 1/2 tablespoon curry powder
oil of choice, as needed
rice of choice, prepare according to package directions

Saute the veg, until soft, in a dab of oil
Add the rest of the stuff (not the rice), and simmer, about 20ish minutes or until it smells good and you are hungry.
Pile onto rice & enjoy

This is a very subtle & unspicy curry

Husband gives it a million thumbs down, but he wasn't expected to like it anyway.

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